MP Lifts
version: November / 2016
Update 1: December / 2016
Update 2: December / 2016
Update 3: December / 2016
Update 4: January / 2017
Update 5: February / 2017

DESCRIPTION: Tool allowing you to place orders in txt format for:

  • Complete lift
  • Electrical installation
  • Car

Update 5


Spain, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Poland, Czech Republic, Portugal, Germany, Austria, Switzerland

In this update, Helpmate allows for selecting MP greenvalve, the electronically controlled valve block for EN81-20/50:2014.

MP greenvalve increases the in-car comfort, improves the waiting times and reduces the energy consumption and noise level. The electronic adjustments make easier the installation of the lift as well as the maintenance.

Update 4

System settings.

Update 3

System settings.

Update 2

System settings.

Update 1

System settings.


The new controller MP ecoGO for gearless lifts, MP GO! Evolution up to 21 passengers, MP GO! Flex and MP GO! Flex XL, is already available.

The controller is provided with the new inverter, highly reliable and easy to adjust, increasing the lift comfort. In addition, MP ecoGO integrates the following features, as standard and among other ones:

During the launch phase, MP provides several services created to give support to MP ecoGO. We highlight:

  • A specific channel for MP ecoGO technical assistance and queries.
  • MP lifts school: on-site courses at installations for rehearsal and online training, in different languages.

MP ecoGO designed according to EN 81-20/50

MP recommends to take into account from now the new EN 81-20/50 standards when planning your installations.

The launch is going to be progressive by areas.

Already available in: Spain, France, Portugal, Holland, Belgium, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Romania, Poland, the Czech Republic, Albania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Malta, Serbia andTurkey.

2017 price list included.

Visit our web page:

to obtain more information, drawings or descriptive memory of these products.

MP strengthens its commitment towards eco-efficiency by reducing the prices of Stand By system

Access the tutorial video to configure the operating panel.